We are heart-broken by the devastation of the wildfires in Los Angeles. I know, and have lived in, several of the affected areas in my early years with LegalEASE. The damage seems immeasurable.
As always, LegalEASE stands ready to help any employee in any of our client companies, Plan Members or not, with extra help, consultation, and advice in dealing with the insurance claims or insurance companies related to a wildfire loss.
LegalEASE hosted a webinar partnering with two of our attorneys to provide additional guidance on the next steps to take after a wildfire and begin the recovery process. LEARN MORE
California Dept. of Real Estate urges Los Angeles Property Owners Near Wildfires to Report Unsolicited Offers to Buy Their Properties Under Fair Market Value. Report any concerns to LAFires@dre.ca.gov.
You may also report the violation to the Attorney General’s Office at oag.ca.gov/report.
Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara protects Southern California homeowners by issuing a mandatory one-year moratorium on insurance non-renewals and cancellations. Read More
Additional Information from Congressman, Brad Sherman - serving the San Fernando Valley and Westside California, 32nd district of California. Read More
If there is a Plan member with a need for legal help in dealing with any loss related to the wildfire, the plan benefits will be extended to ensure that each member receives the legal coverage they need in order to obtain the benefits to which they may be entitled. This includes extra consultation, extra time with the attorneys, and extra coverage in the event a dispute arises and need lawyer handling. Non-Plan Members will have the following benefits related to any legal issue that stems from the current wildfires in Los Angeles:
We are ready to help as best we can with any of your employees, even if they are not LegalEASE Plan Members. All extra services, if needed, should be accessed by calling our Advocate Center.